Qualche chiarimento da parte degli sviluppatori
Inviato: lun gen 20, 2014 6:33 pm
Siccome ci sono varie cose che a molti "scappano" perché magari non leggono il forum ufficiale o anche drivingitalia, apro questo topic per raccogliere qualche chiarimento su tutto quello che riguarda AC.
"In AC we're trying to replicate the cars as good as possible and we are extremely careful on some details that might not change totally the performance of the car, but determine the character of the car. That means replicating also some issues the real car might have.
You've pointed out a quite good example here. When we tried the Evora GTE, which I will point out it's not a production car yet, but a prototype - and let me add here, it was a great honour for me to be trusted to try one of Lotus prototypes on track - one thing that was instantly noticeable was that the semiautomatic gearbox of the GTE, wasn't... to put it elegantly... making the rest of the car justice. I asked Lotus' official tester if there was a problem with this car and he told me that unfortunately it's not the smoothest of the gearboxes available.
We're replicating that in AC. We think that you would like to try the cars as they are and maybe someday if you have the chance to try that car in real life, you might think "damn, AC had it very similar". We are perfectly aware that those characteristics might make you love or hate a car, but that's how it is, that's why we love cars, because they are not perfect, but they have character.
Believe me, it would be far easier for me to create a perfect gearbox and replicate it for all cars, than go and push physics engine to the limits to try to replicate "issues".
It would be easier for me to make the Z4 GT3 perfect downshifting, instead of trying to figure out what the official drivers are meaning when they say "the car is very easy, except that it moves quite a bit under braking and it needs some help from your inputs when downshifting, especially if you rely on the ABS a lot"
It would be easier to make a 458 less understeery on some situations, but if you think about it, it has 235mm large front tyres... it's been designed like this for road use. It's no surprise if you think that the race challenge version has 255 tyres at the front. Different priorities.
It would be easier for me to make the McLaren MP4 more friendly, less nervous. It would make most of our customers happier. But then again it wouldn't be a McLaren any more.
One of the things we're most proud of AC is that some people hate a car that others love. That's a win for us. Because cars are different and people are different and have different driving styles, better or worse suited for a car characteristics.
In real life, if you do a short, road test drive, every sportscar is fantastic because of the g forces, pace of acceleration, sounds... everything is exciting. But try to live with the car on a track, push it on it's limits and then you start to make a relationship with it. In a sim, this happens all the time, and that's why you might love, hate or ignore a car.
I'm not saying it's perfect, there are many things we could do to improve, some noted by all of you, some invisible, but we are trying hard with what we have and the amount of time we have and I think "generally" we're are capable of transmitting to you what a car might be in real life.
So I'll change this to "as designed"(c)Aris